Sessions and Tracks Proposal Submission

Sessions and Tracks Proposal Submission

Key Dates

Proposal Submission Opens  11 June 2024
Proposal Submission Deadline Tuesday, 29 October 2024 midnight CET (23:59)
Notifications* End November 2024

*Please note that all efforts are made to send the notifications by the announced date. In case of any delays, an updated timeline will be posted here. We thank you in advance for your understanding and cooperation!

The World Leisure Organization is organizing its 18th World Leisure Congress with Breda University of Applied Sciences, which will take place from 25-28 August 2025, in Breda, the Netherlands. Our goal is to create a dynamic and stimulating program of topics related to leisure in its broadest sense.

Please, find here below details about the thematic areas and guidelines for session and thematic tracks proposals submission.

Call for Sessions

Submitters have the opportunity to propose sessions, defining the format, theme, speakers and contributions that will compose the session. This format allows for greater control over the content and composition of the session.


Call for Thematic Tracks

Submitters are invited to propose thematic tracks. Speakers and other contributors will be selected separately through a general call for abstracts. Once a track has been accepted by the scientific committee, the submitter of that track will be responsible for reviewing the abstracts submitted under their track, and for chairing the resulting sessions.

Please note that there are some already confirmed thematic tracks (see here), this call aims to complete this list with additional themes.

Click the button below to submit your Thematic Track proposal