About WLO

About WLO

World Leisure Organization

Formed in 1952, the World Leisure Organization is a non-profit, non-governmental body of individuals and organizations from throughout the world. The World Leisure Organization’s most prized partnership is its recognition as a consultive organization with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations. The World Leisure Organization is committed to the belief that well-selected leisure experiences improve the quality of life for all – from childhood to later life. As a worldwide advocacy and knowledge-driven membership-focused organization, World Leisure is dedicated to understanding leisure, advancing the quality of life and well-being of individuals, communities, and nations through leisure; promoting and understanding the benefits of leisure; and encouraging access and inclusion for all. WLO is committed to enlarging choice, affirming and enriching cultural identities, activating the human spirit, and promoting sustainable and well-distributed economic growth through leisure.

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